Deputy Prime Minister responsible for European affairs, Bojan Marichikj, has asserted that the allegations of new demands from Bulgaria are nothing more than opposition-driven propaganda. He emphasized that the proposed constitutional amendments are a decision unrelated to the country’s identity and do not have an adverse impact on it.

Marichikj explained that the constitutional amendments aim to differentiate between the identities of Macedonians and Bulgarians, a matter that has not been a significant issue in the past. However, these amendments will officially recognize and address this distinction in the Constitution, ultimately removing a major obstacle in relations with neighboring Bulgaria.

The government’s and Deputy PM’s objective, as stated in a press release from the Secretariat for European Affairs, is to conclude the constitutional amendments by mid-December, coinciding with the EU Summit, enabling Macedonia to continue negotiations alongside Albania and be a part of the new enlargement package. Marichikj emphasized the urgency, highlighting the need to seize this opportunity, as past opportunities have regrettably been missed.