First Vice Prime Minister Mejiti responds, “We expect the law on defenders to remain in a committee led by Ilire Dauti,” when asked if the Vredi coalition has spoken with Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski about the matter.Mejiti claims in an interview with RFE/RL that the politics around DUI and SDSM are intended to cause instability in the state.

The dilemma and the question is why SDSM, which until yesterday fought with a civil concept, which achieved results with Albanian votes, has prominent Albanian members in their structures, why did it not do anything about this while it was in power for the last eight years? And why exactly now do they have a proposal for defenders? I think this is a daily policy and serves the purpose of destabilizing the processes and the state. So, they’re synchronized with DUI, just so they don’t answer, Mejetti claims.