Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti said that the Government will not fight against crime based on the ethnicity of the suspects. Mexhiti added that there is tendency to portray ethnic Albanians as guilty of corruption, but also acknowledged that in some cases the allegations are justified.

We have reached a political compromise that the fight against corruption must be without compromise, and must not be uni-ethnic and motivated by desire for political revenge. Everything must be in accordance with the law. corruption was not happening just among the ethnic Albanians, but also on the Macedonian said, Mexhiti said in a TV21 interview.

His coalition, as well as VMRO-DPMNE, have presented numerous examples of high level corruption involving officials of the former ruling party DUI. Mexhiti cited the example of heavy political involvement in the gambling business, especially online gambling. He called on the prosecutors and the judges to do their part – as for the Government, after concluding that the DUI – SDSM Government made decisions based on lucrative interests, the suspected online casino businesses have been closed and their licenses revoked. “But the Government can’t engage in criminal prosecution – that is up to the prosecutors and the judiciary”, Mexhiti said.