Hope for a new future won in the local elections in both the first and second rounds. Among other things, these elections meant an inevitable referendum vote against this government and all its policies. People rightly believe that Zoran Zaev and everything he represented in politics must fall because he betrayed the expectations of the people of Macedonia. He did not brought results and it rules with frauds and bargaining at the expense of the most important issues for this people. He was playing with the dignity of the state, while the people are sinking into poverty, inflation is rising, accidents and scandals that are multiplying on a daily basis, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, on Saturday.

Remaining of this government after such an election debacle in both the first and the second round, without credibility, without motivation to work and without a plan to solve many problems will only deepen the political crisis. In addition to the economic crisis, the energy shock, worrying covid trends, will seriously bring the country to its knees.

There were those who told me that it is best for me and VMRO to do nothing, Zaev’s government will get stuck in even bigger problems. But there is something here called responsibility, responsibility to the state and responsibility to the people. Such difficult times for the people and the state are an important challenge in which VMRO-DPMNE consciously and with sincere intention enters. Bravely and as history expects from us, we put ourselves on the side of the people and in a clinch with the burden and challenges that follow. Therefore, after the elections, on behalf of all the expectations of the people, on behalf of every hand that I shook this election, every message of hope and destiny that I met, I, together with that credibility given by the people that I will never disappoint, set on creating a new majority as the only way out for the fall of this government, said Mickoski.

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE said that the new parliamentary majority means a joint bloc composed of the Coalition for “Renewal of Macedonia” led by VMRO-DPMNE, the coalition Alliance of Albanians and Alternative, the political party Levica and the BESA Movement.

Mickoski pointed out that the new parliamentary majority certainly means one thing, that this government of Zoran Zaev, which is the source of all problems, is falling. With that, defeats fall, an infamous time of bad life and deception falls.

This means that in the coming period I will try, I repeat, I will try to form a new government and it will happen only if I am sure that it will be a government with serious credibility, a government with strong institutions that will guarantee stability, new energy and efficiency in the reforms and changes that follow. If this goal is not achieved and I do not ensure the full efficiency of the government needed to deal with crises, fight against corruption and crime, which are the key problem in our country, further full efficiency of the government, then what remains for us as the only the option is snap early parliamentary elections, so that the people of Macedonia can decide on a new future, he said.

He said that it is not the time for triumphalism, it is the time for solving the accumulated problems.

Serious challenges await us. The state needs to deal with the energy crisis, the standard of living of the citizens must be protected and we must fight inflation. We will make reforms in the economy. Business needs support, and people need more money. We will protect the health of the citizens, covid is the biggest threat to human life. Make EU values our values. All of these issues are the task of the changes that follow. One thing is for sure. The changes have begun and they will happen, Mickoski added.