VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mckoski said that the mssive turnout at the elections today ensured that the citizens will take their country back. Mickoski made his remarks around noon, when he was voting, and the statement was embargoed due to the electoral rules.

It is a particularly beautiful day today, a day when all citizens should come out and vote, and take the power back in their hands from the hands of those few hundred people who made all the calls in the preceding period. Today the citizens are those who decide for the fate of their families, the futuree of Macedonia an dof their children, Mickoski said.

Polls closed half an hour ago and projections are that turnout surpased the 2020 elections, that were held in Covid conditions. Today Macedonia voted in the first round of the presidential elections, a vote that is expected to set the mood for the all important general elections, that will be held together with the second round of the presidential elections on May 8th.