The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski in his address at a press conference on Saturday, pledged to work for the youth to have better living conditions, and made promises referring to them.

More jobs, more happy people, more work for young people, more work for capable people, more work for professionals. Under 10 percent unemployment for lower poverty and problem solving. We commit ourselves to renewal that will bring more work for young people, 0% personal income tax for young people up to 29 years of age. This will mean a personal income tax exemption for employment of young people up to 29 years of age with an annual net income of up to 6.5 thousand euros, he said.

Mickoski pointed out that his goal is young people to have a chance to build their future here.

In addition, by building a modern innovation infrastructure that involves opening innovation centers, business incubators and accelerators, science and technology parks we will provide young and creative people full support in realizing their business ideas. We are strongly convinced that Macedonia has young talented people who have strong entrepreneurial and innovative ideas and therefore we will work to create the most favorable conditions for exploiting their potential, he said.