This is a shameful act in a democracy. The government’s intentions are clear, the end is nearing and they ill stop at nothing to protect themselves from punishment for the crimes they committed, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, commented on the amendments to the Criminal Law proposed by the ruling majority.

“There is nothing the opposition could do to prevent these amendments, because of the abuse of the “European flag”. The only way to demand accountability is to organize early elections. The citizens should massively come out to vote for VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition”, Mickoski told Kanal 5 TV.

Commenting the Vice-PM Artan Grubi’s statement that the amendments are an exclusive demand by VMRO-DPMNE, Mickoski said that Grubi talks about him and VMRO-DPMNE a lot, saying various things, which were all proven false.

Asked about his meeting with the US Special Envoy for West Balkan, Gabriel Escobar, Mickoski said that it was a closed meeting, where they exchanged arguments for the benefit of the good partnership between the two countries.

“I can conclude that Mr. Escobar was incorrectly informed by the government on many important issues. We told him that we will invest our best efforts to correct everything this government wronged, and put the society on solid tracks again”, the VMRO-DPMNE leader pointed out.