VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski strongly condemned the move by the ruling majority to greatly reduce the prison terms for abuse of office. According to Mickoski, this is “shameful act for our democracy, and clear indication that the Government senses its end is near and will do anything to protect itself from the crimes they have perpetrated”.

Mickoski dismissed attempts from Government officials, such as Artan Grubi, to shift the blame on the opposition, by claiming that it is done on its behalf, considering the many former VMRO officials who are subject to politically motivated persecution.

If there was any such deal, the changes would have been adopted without the need for the urgent EU flag procedure. It’s a big lie, there is no deal and I will make no deals, said Mickoski, who warned the officials of the DUI – SDSM – AA Government that they will be held accountable for their corruption.