“It is a great honor to commemorate the creation of the party which, with its existence, was incorporated in the creation of an independent Republic of Macedonia. For over 30 years, it has been a companion through all the troubles, trials, and great joys, sorrows, and celebrations of our homeland,” said leader Mickoski from Veles.

“On this day exactly 34 years ago, VMRO-DPMNE was created. It was not only a natural urge of the Macedonian people for authentic political organization at the dawn of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the need for the independence of Macedonia, but VMRO-DPMNE was also a natural urge of many Macedonian families who suffered and were persecuted under the communist regime. However, they always dreamed and fought for their independent state, preserving the fire of the historical VMRO for their state, for freedom, for their institutions, flag, anthem, and banknotes, for a homeland that is a real home, or in other words, finally, after a hundred-year battle, to be one’s own.

“VMRO-DPMNE is conceived as a culmination of that battle for freedom and belief in the idea of ​​Macedonia. That is why all our discussions, debates, and exchanges of views throughout history were so stormy, filled with public debates, emotions, and beliefs. VMRO-DPMNE had its shining moments and moments of serious trials, but it must never deviate from the idea of ​​Macedonia, not in the past, now, or in the future.

“Let’s not forget the time when the Macedonian people aspired to their own party in the previous system. It is not all the same or unimportant, and in no way must it be swept under the carpet or forgotten, the positions and ideological differences between the Macedonian left, which at that time still dreamed of the disintegrated Yugoslavia and demanded the continuation of the union of states, and the Macedonian right, represented and organized by VMRO-DPMNE, which demanded pure independence. June 17 is the date when VMRO-DPMNE began the renewed life of the historical VMRO as a natural heir to the ideals that this organization has carried for exactly 131 years since its foundation in 1893.

“That is why our name is the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity, which embodies the people’s urge for freedom, independence, and a strong state of Macedonia. In a historical context, the mission carried by VMRO-DPMNE is reconciliation and ensuring the unity of all different groups and parties to achieve unity, but this never means forgetting the blows given by the left to the Macedonian national fabric—wiretapping, surveillance, files, branding, and brutal showdowns with the Macedonian intelligentsia—such that the right has never behaved so irresponsibly towards our national and state interests and has never tried to break down the identity code.

“And today from Veles, I express deep respect and a big bow to all those who suffered and were repressed because of their clear feelings and patriotic determination to love and fight for Macedonia. Their heirs and descendants should know that they have my respect and recognition from VMRO-DPMNE for the contribution and sacrifice their loved ones made for the idea from which Macedonia was born. In that context, the feeling of listening to the story of the battle of that generation is special, and the dream that we, as many young people, had during that period. We had it because there was someone from whom we could hear the vows of the pleiad of previous generations and glorious battles for freedom from the Ilinden period to the present day. We dream with them, and we also dream about our time when we will have the opportunity to create for our homeland and for our future.

“VMRO-DPMNE has never been a party of narrow cliques or elites, and every time it appeared as such, it was rejected by the membership as an unnatural tissue that is not part of the great organism that moves the party.

“The Bible says, ‘With what measure you judge, with that measure you will be judged.’ Historical facts and circumstances should be viewed with objective reasonableness and without subjective evaluations of events. As the current leader, I advocate the thesis that no stone thrown backwards creates the future forward. In that context, VMRO-DPMNE had many bright moments and brilliant steps over these 34 years that made us proud, strengthened our sense of dignity and pride, but there were also moments when mistakes were made, when there were policies that were not always understood the right way, or individuals who caused harm were tolerated. As the current president, I will treat every previous president of VMRO-DPMNE with equal respect, be it Ljubco Georgievski or Nikola Gruevski, regardless of how distant or close their views are to what VMRO-DPMNE is today. The most important thing is that VMRO-DPMNE is united, strong, and remains what it has always been—the party of the people.

“No matter how much the defeated competitors try to distract attention from the real issues, make diversions, strangely cancel the oxygen compressors in the operating theaters so there are no operations, documents are running out in institutions, and private firms on DUI personnel invent medical faculties overnight, they should know that we will solve all problems with great commitment. While they act like spoiled children who think they have a natural right to the seat given by the people, while they choose words and insults to belittle our every step, I choose not to deal with their dirty talk, but to realize what we promised before the elections. Here are the first two promises: DUI together with their contractor goes into opposition, and we have a new law on the organization of the government which was passed with a two-thirds majority. I called for this law to be voted on by all deputies in the name of the trust that the people overwhelmingly gave us just a month ago. We have shown that we can provide support and that VMRO-DPMNE behaves responsibly and statefully in key processes. You remember what the campaign was like—that we had no coalition capacity, that the foreigners didn’t want us, and what else they invented. The truth is completely the opposite of that.

“I know the situation in SDSM is desperate. I will not say that what is happening now in the once great SDSM is a disappointing fragmentation down to the smallest parts managed by the despots who buried the SDSM, but they should know that all that interference, all those hellish plans and blows they gave me while I fought for the stabilization of VMRO-DPMNE, those unprincipled coalitions and negotiations under the table, I will not do them and I will not work behind their backs, nor does it occur to me to interfere with them.

“As the president of a party that wishes and works for Macedonian national unity, I extend a hand for dialogue on all major issues for the state and of importance to the citizens.

“I give them a hand for Macedonian national unity on all important issues for the country. I wish they would overcome their huge problems and sit down at the table to discuss the future of our homeland. Of course, this should not be understood as an amnesty from responsibility for crimes, but it means that I will see them as partners with whom we have a responsibility for the sake of current and future generations to work on creating unique state positions on essential issues of importance for Macedonia.

“You will see no double standards from me. I will act according to the Constitution and the laws of the country. Today, 600,000 people live on 150 denars a day. Over 50,000 are outside the educational process. Farmers have problems. Students finished the school year without textbooks. There is chaos in healthcare, and people die in hospitals waiting for medicine. These are the problems that we must solve and for which the people did not vote.

“We will not succumb to the topics that divide us and drive us apart. Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Serbs, Vlachs, Bosniaks, and everyone else share the same troubles and problems. I will be equal for everyone.

“We will soon have a new government, new positions, and new functions. And I have only one message for all of you—ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES, WORK IS WAITING!

“We should return Macedonia to the people, bring investments, and fight tenaciously and hard to raise the standard of living. Let’s change Macedonia for the better, for you, for your generations. Through major and strong reforms, let’s show that Macedonia belongs to the people, not to the cliques, elites, and groups that stole and divided it.

“There are no secret formulas, false beliefs, or superstitions. The recipe for success is work, honesty, and dedication. None of you here in the hall must deviate.

“I do not accept the thesis that normally at least one deviates or deviates. The answer is that he will be replaced immediately. In such a situation, you will not only disappoint me, but you will also disappoint the people who historically gave us the greatest support. We don’t have any hundred days grace period, no honeymoons, we don’t even have 100 minutes. I do not believe in such excuses. You have to work hard from the first hour and the first day.

“None of you can have private businesses and run institutions. Either one or the other. You have to decide. Service to the people requires resignations. There are no political businessmen or business politicians. Don’t forget where we started and how hard it was to rise. There were few who believed with me at the beginning, but the success was that we spread that faith of ours. Today, VMRO-DPMNE is the strongest political force, which is a great responsibility.

“We must work honestly, transparently, and openly. Work according to the law and rules. Be humble and honest.