Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski will visit Brussels next week for a few days, for meetings with EU officials. Before the visit, Mickoski said that the messages coming from the EU are not always so clear, but that the Macedonian message is clear:
We will continue to promote European values, we will do our homework, and if a constructive solution is found, we will continue our path toward the EU. On the contrary, I would be able to conclude that we as a country and the Balkans unfortunately are not in the focus of the current Brussels administration, Mickoski said.
The Prime Minister added that his Government will not make concessions. “There are politicians in Brussels who decided to become hostages to politicians whose thinking is still in the Middle Ages. We will not make concessions. Let them find another Government, and bring it in to amke their concessions. That kind of thinking brought us where we are today”.
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