If we analyze what was said today by the interim Prime Minister, Oliver Spasovski, we can conclude that today he projected September as the month when the elections should be held, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview with TV Kanal 5.

If you look at the first pillar, these are measures that are practically aimed at different target groups. Having in mind the fact that the state of emergency ends on May 30, from May 31 onward, in the next 60 days, if they intend to hold the elections in June as they say, Article 8 a enters into force from the Electoral Code when extraordinary payments are not projected with the plan, they cannot happen, ie in that case they practically collect all extraordinary payments or the one who will sign such a decision automatically commits a crime that the Electoral Code treats as bribery. Hence, I conclude that either today Spasovski set September as a possible month for elections, or they are hypocritical in front of the citizens, promising something they cannot fulfill, said Mickoski.

Mickoski added that if we look at the deadline for delivery of the first pillar of the three of the first сет of measures, then it will be seen that the months of June and July are covered, and this cannot happen if we have elections 60 days after the state of emergency ends.

That is why we say that this is nothing more than an attempt to bribe the citizens. If you look at the other two pillars, you will see that the realization period is September-December, which means that at the moment they neither have a clear plan, nor do they know, nor do they intend to deliver on their promise, Mickoski said.