2,252 illegal payments were made to the accounts of users of funds for guaranteed minimum assistance, with which a million-dollar crime was committed in MTSP through abuse of the social protection system and illegal and illegal payment of these funds, announced today the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Djoko Velkovski.

To clarify the situation for the public, it is about over 2200 beneficiaries who received guaranteed minimum assistance and social pension and reported that they do not own a vehicle, and according to the records of the Ministry of the Interior, they are the owners of such a vehicle. When cross-checking the databases months ago, the system states that these persons have a vehicle, but it is inexplicable how the services did not act in relation to the same, which continued the payment of funds, which caused millions of dollars in damage to the ministry’s budget. We have initial information that a retroactive payment of funds was also observed for several months back, which opened a great doubt about abuses committed in the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Minister Velkovski clarifies.

The manipulation is systemic, and several people were probably involved in it, he believes, for which an extraordinary inspection has been launched in order to discover the perpetrators behind this million-dollar crime in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

My goal as the Minister of Labor and Social Policy is to announce to the entire Macedonian public what happened in the department that I lead today and not to allow this kind of cheating of the system to happen. To make it clearer, one of the conditions for exercising the rights is to check the financial, social and property status of the user, that is, not to own a vehicle, as well as income earned on other grounds. The inspection services of the ministry have already started extraordinary inspections from today with the aim of finding out who is really behind this million-dollar crime, said Velkovski.

Како што и претходно појасни министерот Велковски, вкупната бројка на детектирани злоупотреби е за 2.252 лица и тоа:

Берово – 15; Битола -166; Валандово – 23; Велес – 98; Виница – 11; Гевгелија – 9; Гостивар – 164; Дебар – 31; Делчево – 3; Демир Хисар – 3; Кавадарци – 23; Кичево – 49 ; Кочани –18; Кратово – 4; Крива Паланка – 9; Крушево – 22; Куманово – 235; Македонски брод – 6; Неготино – 4; Охрид – 40; Прилеп – 229; Пробиштип – 1; Радовиш – 56; Ресен – 1; Свети Николе – 6; Скопје 714; Бутел – 45; Гази Баба – 79; Карпош – 125; Кисела Вода – 155; Центар – 38; Чаир – 151; Шуто Оризари – 121; Струга – 32; Струмица – 70; Тетово – 150; Штип – 59.