Xhaferi privatized the Parliament and once again the government showed that it is afraid of the people and therefore they were forced to invent nebulous reasons to reject the Referendum Initiative, the spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE, Vlado Misajlovski said at today’s press conference.

The job of the Parliament Speaker is not to interpret the Constitution, that is the job of the Constitutional Court, he said.

The rejection of the initiative is due to fabricated and illegal reasons, a referendum at the state level can also be called for the need for ratification of international agreements and for other issues within the competence of the Parliament, i.e. a previous Referendum and for decisions made by the Parliament or for citizens’ statements on different topics for which the Parliament decided, that is the additional Referendum, this is Art. 24 of the Law on Referendum, which Talat Xhaferi violated yesterday with his decision to reject the Initiative to call a referendum to cancel the Law on Ratification of the Agreement with Bulgaria. Xhaferi’s decision to reject the decision is illegal. The anti-Macedonian SDS and DUI through Talat Xhaferi are doing legal gymnastics to avoid the people because they know that over 60% of Macedonians support it and will go to the referendum that would be organized, Misajlovski said.

Xhaferi’s explanation for rejecting the Initiative is legally unsustainable, nebulous, and contains no legal basis. He saved Kovacevski from a debacle by completely violating the laws and the Constitution.