MPs in the Macedonian parliament voted today on the amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government, which means that there will be no extraordinary elections for mayors in the municipalities of Aerodrom, Saraj and Gostivar. The amendments were approved by the votes of the MPs from the ranks of VMRO – DPMNE, “Vredi” and DUI, and thus the mayor’s office will be able to continue to be performed by acting mayors. 83 MPs and 24 from smaller ethnic communities voted for the law, and the government coalition needed the so-called big “Badenter”, which DUI provided. MPs from SDSM voted against.

Blerim Bejeti pointed out that the DUI will again vote for the government’s law only because, as he said, they did not put the citizens at the expense of new elections.

With these changes, it is possible to appoint new mayors in case the current ones are appointed to other positions. The changes are proposed to avoid early elections and to ensure continuity in the management of the municipalities.

Several municipalities were left without mayors after the parliamentary elections. The mayor of Aerodrom, Timcho Mutsunski, is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs, while Arben Taravari from Gostivar became the Minister of Health, and Blerim Bejeti from Saraj moved to the parliament as an MP. Acting mayors have been appointed in these municipalities, but with the proposed amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government, it will be possible to appoint new mayors without the need for early elections.