US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler said that no-one should be above the law, when asked on her position on the criminal charges filed against Drin Ahmeti, nephew of powerful DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, who has often insisted that he has the backing of the United States.

Aggeler said that she has told her Embassy team that in all cases, everyone should be responsible for his actions. Drin Ahmeti overnight became owner of the Soravia business center in downtown Skopje, without making any payments of his own. A businessman from Albania bought the center and gave a good portion of it to Drin Ahmeti because of his “business acumen”.

The Ambassador also announced that new names will be added to the US black list, which was recently used to call out Macedonian politicians and businessmen. Regarding the judicial reforms that were proposed by the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party, and criticized by the US and other embassies, Aggeler said that she agrees that reforms are absolutely necessary. According to her, reforms of the Judicial Council should be done very carefully.