A notorious SDSM party activist known for posting death threats against opposition officials with impunity is now targeting the family of VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski.

The person, who uses several monickers such as Robert Trkalaj and Robert Vretoski posted the following horrific message on Facebook: I publicly warn you Hristijan Mickoski. If you cherish your family you will stay put. Otherwise, you will find your children thrown in a ditch, like dogs.

To add to the threat, and the sense of impunity, he signs off from Murtino, the village former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev comes from, indicating that he has his protection.

The Interior Ministry, led by Zaev’s crony Oliver Spasovski, is quick to react when opposition supporters post ugly messages online, but ignores such direct threats from supporters of the ruling coalition. This same account was used to threaten VMRO Mayor of Prilep Borce Jovceski, who has suffered the loss of his son.