VMRO-DPMNE called on state prosecutors, the police and the Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate social media comments revealing how interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski sent his party activists to distribute food packages through poor neighborhoods in Kumanovo.

Јавно ги повикувам МВР, Државната комисија за спречување на корупција, Државната изборна комисија, ЈО и другите надлежни…

Gepostet von Бране Петрушевски am Donnerstag, 2. April 2020

Brane Petrusevski, head of the opposition party’s Kumanovo branch, says that this is a clear attempt to buy the votes of the poorest citizens of Kumanovo. The comments, posted by SDSM party activists, made sure to reveal that the food was distributed with the generous help of Prime Minister Spasovski. The practice of bribing voters in run up to elections with food packages or heating wood is rampant in Macedonia.

As a side note, Petrusevski said that the campaign is a clear violation of the coronavirus epidemic regulations, in a city that is now number two in the country in confirmed Covid-19 patients.