Constitutional Law Professor Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, who is the presidential candidate of VMRO-DPMNE for the upcoming presidential election slated for April 21, did not enter the trap to promise the annulment of the Law on Languages and the abolition of the Prespa Agreement.

Abolishing the Prespa Agreement has not even crossed my mind. This authority belongs only to the Constitutional Court, but our constitutional court did not gather strength to be constitutional, but it is still unconstitutional and enjoys the comfort of Vardar. It could initiate a procedure and it could make some key decisions by itself, thus obtaining a special role in the democratization of the Republic of Macedonia.

For something to last, it must be a good solution, said Siljanovska – Davkova, referring to the Prespa Agreement.

You can change the name and write it on all institutions and I will respect that. From Aristotle to today good law, good constitution, bad law, bad solution – it must be acceptable for the citizens, otherwise, it is foreign. From the aspect of the law – it’s unacceptable, from the aspect of reality – it’s real and I will not perform in a Taliban manner. However, nobody can stop me from pointing to unconstitutional solutions, unconstitutional procedure or the incompatibility of a series of solutions from the Prespa Agreement, said Siljanovska – Davkova on the “Samo vistina” show on Monday.