European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is scheduled to visit Macedonia by the end of the month, as announced by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. Additionally, French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed interest in visiting Macedonia.

Regarding the potential decoupling of Macedonia and Albania at the European Council summit in December, Prime Minister Kovachevski mentioned that Macedonia had been previously decoupled from Croatia due to difficulties in decision-making. However, he noted that the country has received support from France, especially in the context of the negotiating framework proposal, which was developed during the French EU Presidency after 17 years of waiting.

Kovachevski emphasized that Macedonia is committed to European enlargement and has made significant progress. He stated that the enlargement process is underway, and the goal is to prepare the EU for new member admissions by 2030 while candidate countries work on meeting their requirements. Kovachevski expressed hope that Macedonia will maintain its leadership position in the region regarding European integration and become the first to join the EU by 2030, provided it continues to fulfill its obligations.