The former leadership of SDSM calls for common sense and awareness, resignation and responsibility following the publication of the scandalous interview of the current president of SDSM and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. The current leadership, on the other hand, stood backed him through statements.

SDSM founder Branko Crvenkovski, former vice president Ana Daneva, former president of the Skopje organization Sofija Kunovska, party secretary from 2003 to 2005 Andrej Petrov, Natasha Savova, former foreign minister Ilinka Mitreva distanced themselves from Zoran Zaev’s views and demanded party bodies to urgently convene.

Huge and irreparable damage has been done. What can and must be done is to make it clear that Zaev’s views are neither the views of the entire government, nor of the entire state leadership. Zoran Zaev is the president of SDSM and our task is to reduce the damage as much as possible. If there is no reaction, Zaev’s views will become views represented by the entire SDSM, and be assured that this will have catastrophic consequences for the party and what is even worse for the country. The reactions of some prominent members in the media and on social networks are welcome, but not enough. That is why, my esteemed party members, I call for the immediate convening of a session of the party’s  Central Board where it will be concluded that the views expressed by Zaev are not the views of neither the Central Board nor SDSM as a whole. To reaffirm once again the views of SDSM on the Macedonian national identity, the Macedonian language, the Macedonian history, the character of the anti-fascist struggle and ASNOM, Crvenkovski said in his address to the party leadership.

Former Foreign Affairs Minister and SDSM party official Ilinka Mitreva joined calls to have Zoran Zaev removed from the helm of the party and the country after his scandalos acceptance of all Bulgarian positions in the dispute over national identity and history. Mitreva called on the SDSM party to hold a congress, where it will remove Zaev.

Euro-integrations were and remain our constant goal to which we strive, but not at the price the Prime Minister is willing to pay. It is time for Zaev to face the court of public opinion. There is on room for him to explain his positions or maneuver, there is no time to amnesty him. There is only time to hold a party congress. As a former political official and as a citizen it is my right and obligation to stand in support of national pride, Mitreva said.

Zoran Zaev, together with his closest associates, should leave immediately from the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia and from the position of Prime Minister, says former SDSM official Sofija Kunovska.

This caricature of the Prime Minister is the most shameful presentation of our country on the international stage ever, said Kunovska.

СДСМ единствено одговори на повикот на Црвенковски. Му порачаа дека Заев е иднината, а тој е историја.

SDSM only responded to Crvenkovski, who called on current leader and PM Zoran Zaev to step down after his surrender to Bulgaria on all positions of history and national identity. They told him that Zaev is the future, and he is history.