The government is not giving up its intention to organize elections immediately after the state of emergency is lifted. Although the situation with the coronavirus is not subsiding and we have new cases and deaths every day, all SDSM can think about is elections.

Moreover, it is still uncertain whether President Pendarovski will declare a new state of emergency. But even if he does not declare it, it will take time for the fear to disappear among the people and elections and going to polling stations where they can get infected will be the least thing on their mind after the lockdown is lifted.

It is clear that even when the state of emergency is lifted, many of the restrictive measures will remain in force. This will certainly apply to the ban on grouping and wearing masks. This means that even if we were holding elections, there would be no real campaign and meetings with citizens.

But that is also an orchestrated plan of SDSM. The government hopes for a low turnout because many voters, especially the elderly, will be afraid to go to the polls. The government considers those “taken care of” in the public administration “as safe votes”, and there are announcements for new party employments.

Without direct meetings with citizens, SDSM will be freed of the responsibility to talk about realized projects, highways, new investments … because all that is not there anyway.

SDSM knows very well that according to the recommendations of the Venice Commission, elections should not be held at least 60 days after the state of emergency. According to the dates, that would fall in the middle of summer, when people are on vacation.

One of the reasons why SDSM does not want elections in the autumn is because until then the economic situation in the country will become even more difficult and the hole in the budget of at least one billion euros will come to light.

Rapidly organized elections would also be a problem for OSCE/ODIHR observers to engage in sufficient numbers to monitor elections for which the government is apparently preparing to rig.