The Secretary General of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Igor Janusev, when asked at Sunday’s press conference about SDSM’s proposal for elections amid the coronavirus situation, stressed that it is pointless to talk about voting in this situation.

I think is pointless to talk about elections this period because the health and life of citizens is above all. It is also important to take serious care of something that is not happening by SDSM and the Government in terms of the sinking economy.

There are three things that are important to say and are related to this position of SDSM. The first is that in this way they hope to mitigate the defeat because they are aware that a huge defeat awaits them and hope that they will mitigate it, because they initially hope for a low turnout due to the fear that exists among the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia in relation to this whole situation to come out and vote, Janusev said.

The second thing, according to Janusev, is that they hope for a way of rigging the elections because de facto if the elections are held immediately after the state of emergency we will not have or will have very little monitoring by the relevant institutions that do the same during the elections. So it is once again clear that SDSM shows one thing that it does not care about the people in the Republic of Macedonia, nor what the people in the country think, but to try in every possible way to save their own skin,