ESM Heat Supply LLC in Skopje has officially announced the commencement of the heating season for consumers in the City of Skopje under its management. According to their press release, the heating plants initiated the production and distribution of thermal energy in the distribution network at 6 am, concluding their production at 10 am. Presently, there have been no reported issues with the central heating system overseen by ESM.

In the event of a daily interruption in thermal energy delivery, if the external temperatures drop below 15 degrees after 3 pm, the central heating will be reactivated. ESM emphasizes the importance of consumers and property managers promptly addressing any flaws in their internal heating installations and promptly notifying the Consumer Care Center. This ensures unobstructed access for company teams to the thermal station and a consistent electricity supply for the station (with the electricity bills paid), all of which contribute to the timely and efficient delivery of thermal energy—a shared interest for all parties involved, as emphasized by ESM Snabduvanje so termano DOOEL Skopje.