This Christmas, we need to remember the unjustly imprisoned people who are serving 15 years in prison under the label “terrorists”, said VMRO-DPMNE official Dragan Kovacki.

May they not lose faith. Justice is slow, but it will arrive, Kovacki said.

The Zaev regime sentenced a group of protesters who participated in the incident in the Parliament on April 27th 2017, as well as former Interior Minister Mitko Cavkov and several police officials, who stood in the way of Zaev’s take-over of the Interior Ministry. The trial was used for political effect – the organizers of the protests and the members of Parliament who opened the Parliament doors to the protesters were pardoned – the three members of Parliament received pardons after agreeing to vote for the imposed Prespa Treaty. But common protesters remain in prison, with lengthy sentences. Among them is Jane Cento, great-grandson of Macedonia’s first President Metodija Andonov – Cento, who also faced politically motivated imprisonment by the postwar Communist regime.