Former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who, along with Zoran Zaev, signed the Prespa Treaty, warned Macedonia of consequences if it doesn’t uphold the imposed treaty.

Speaking at a Council of Europe event on the Balkans, Tsipras called on the other European countries to counsel Macedonia on the consequences if it breaks the treaty. The current Greek government has also strongly condemned Macedonia, even after newly elected Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski reluctantly used the imposed name in his oath of office. Mickoski said that he finds the adjective “North” that was imposed on the name of Macedonia to be shameful, but added that currently he is powerless to change the fact that it has been added to the Constitution.

Along Tsipras, at the same event another former Greek Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou also insisted on  the importance of maintaining the Prespa Treaty.

Tsipras recently acknowledged that Greece was feeling increased pressure from the US to lift its veto against Macedonia’s NATO membership and added that the Prespa Treaty was favourable to Greece, because any later agreement would have reflected this pressure.