A group of US congressmen submitted a resolution to the House of Representatives, asking that September is declared month of Macedonian American heritage.

The sponsors include Lisa McClain (R-MI), Claudia Tenney (R-NJ), Debbie Dingel (D-MI) and Brendan Boyle (D-PA), all representing areas with significant Macedonian population. In the resolution, Macedonia is termed an “important strategic partner of the US” and their key ally in the Balkans. Macedonians are praised for emigrating to the US for centuries, to overthrow the yoke of communism, live in freedom and achieve the American dream. It praises achievements of Macedonian Americans in many areas, such as medicine, law, and in advancing American democracy. The United Macedonian Diaspora welcomed this resolution, as a move that will honor the countless contributions of Macedonian Americans in the US.