With a large number of messages written on banners reading “Kacarska perpetrator of the mafia”, “The Constitutional Court ruled that Kacarska judges unconstitutionally”, “STOP for wham-bam constitutional judge”, “Kacarska means injustice”, “Kacarska judiciary + Ruskoska prosecution = Zaev’s Mafia “, VMRO-DPMNE MPs in an inventive way expressed their revolt against the nomination of Dobrila Kacarska as constitutional judge.

As VMRO-DPMNE MPs pointed out, her appointment is another proof that the interference of the executive in the judiciary continues and that the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev continues to reward obedient judges in a brazen and manipulative way.

Kacarska is a judge whose decision was annulled by the Constitutional Court and who does not know the Constitution and the laws. Nowhere in the world can such a person be a constitutional judge, but in our country this precedent will become a reality, said Dafina Stojanovska.

The dissatisfaction of the opposition party comes after series of verdicts of Kacarska, which according to VMRO-DPMNE are party orders and revanchism of the ruling SDSM.

The opposition said that the time of “wham-bam” court decisions, “Protecting the ruling mafia”… should stop immediately.

VMRO-DPMNE accused that Kacarska and Ruskoska only protect Zaev’s mafia and that they are direct participants in the crime.