Thousands of protesters took to the streets in Skopje at Tuesday’s protest where they expressed their dissatisfaction with the bargaining that Goce Delcev is a Bulgarian, and that Macedonia has Bulgarian history.

Protesters started their march from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in downtown Skopje.

Protesters clearly told the SDSM government that Goce Delcev is “our identity and our red line for dignity”, a code without which Macedonia would not exist.

Thousands of citizens, united, waving Macedonian flags and showing love for Macedonia sent massive support to the Macedonian historians who are part of the history commission, who should defend our Macedonian historical interests.

With this protest, VMRO-DPMNE proved that it is becoming a serious threat to the government, which in every way tries to discredit the opposition and the attempts to preserve Goce Delcev as a pillar on which our identity rests, which is already shattered by the Prespa Agreement.

Река народ на протестниот марш на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ за Гоце Делчев

Гоце Делчев е еден од најсветлите ликови врз чии постулати почива современата македонска држава. Со него нема преговарање, Делчев не го даваме! Ова се дел од пораките кои македонскиот народ вечерва, сплотено, ги испрати од протестниот собир.

Gepostet von Republika Nedelnik am Dienstag, 15. September 2020

This was the third in a series of thematic protests announced by the opposition party, and the first for Goce Delcev.

Macedonianism is no less important than Europeanism, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski told the protest.

The protest comes at a time when expert commissions with Greece and Bulgaria, set up under the Prespa Agreement and the Good Neighborly Agreement, are expected to restart as announced by the office of new Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani.

The work of the commissions has been stalled due to the coronavirus crisis and the early parliamentary elections, and one of the issues that Macedonian and Bulgarian historians have previously clashed over was Goce Delcev.