SDSM vetoed themselves, the VMRO-DPMNE party said in a statement after the discussion on the proposed constitutional amendments ended. SDSM and their partners DUI and AA suffered a significant defeat after they failed to bring any VMRO representatives to their side, and actually lost a few votes they were counting on – allegedly because of misunderstandings. Speaker Talat Xhaferi was forced to postpone the vote indefinitely, and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski accused VMRO of vetoing Macedonia’s EU accession with their refusal to support the amendments that would include the Bulgarian nation into the Constitution.

In the pile of lies sent forward by SDSM and DUI the biggest one is that this time we as a country are vetoing ourselves. That is absolutely not true. The vote today revealed that SDSM vetoed themselves. They placed our country in a subordiante position, which in itself is a crime. There would’ve been no veto if the Government secured internal consensus, and gained the support of the opposition first. The statements from Bulgarian officials Radev, Yotova and others make it clear that the constitutional amendments will be just the first of the many conditions we will have to implement, VMRO said in their response.