An increase in salaries in the public administration is planned for the coming year, the preparation of a working version is underway, which will have to go through all the procedures, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced at the laying of the foundation stone for the construction of a new sports hall in the regional school “Dimitar Pop” Georgiev Berovski”.

There will be higher salaries in education and other institutions, debts will be returned, said the Prime Minister, answering journalist’s questions.

There will be, it is planned and within the budget we have one working version which we are arranging in the following period, we should arrange it this week and the beginning of the next one. And I expect that this proposed version of the budget for the next year will be presented at the government session next week, and then, according to the order and procedures, it will be presented to the MPs in the Macedonian Assembly. So that wage growth is foreseen both within the framework of education and in other institutions, depending on the possibilities. I expect the consolidation to be completed by the end of the year, already a large part of the debts are slowly but surely being returned, slowly, the Government’s account is coming out of the negative balance that we inherited – said Mickoski.

He reminded that the Government’s account on June 24 of this year was around minus twelve billion denars, minus 200 million euros, and now, as he indicated, it is approaching positive zero, and he expects it to be positive already from October, because part of the debts are being returned, and as he emphasized , forgotten obligations are fulfilled.

I can tell you today, before I came here, I had a meeting with the director of the former ELEM, today’s ESM, somewhere there the debts are about five billion, somehow this five became their trademark, five billion in debts for pensioners, five billion in the health fund, five billion ESM, etc., etc. Debts were piling up, money was pouring into private pockets. More or less, that is the reality we have inherited. But there is no whining, no complaining, that’s why we got the trust of the citizens to work hard and get out of this swamp that we inherited and finally enter the process of development and projects – said the Prime Minister.