New poll data has come out with shocking results for both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in two crucial battleground states.In Pennsylvania, which comes with 19 electoral votes, and had voted Blue in the last 2020 elections is sliding towards Harris over Trump with a shopping 51% to 45% vote share difference. The latest polls have been released by Quinnipiac University. Last month, Harris had just a three-point lead.Whereas in Michigan, the survey has Kamala leading Trump 50 percent to 45 percent. The state has 15 electoral votes.

In Wisconsin, Harris is leading with 48 percent support compared to 47 percent for Trump and 1 percent for Stein. A neck on neck situation in the states that has 10 electoral votes.

All three states had turned blue in the last election and the trend is expected to continue. “Three crucial swing states wave a red flag at the Trump campaign,” Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy said in a statement However, the poll findings should be taken with a pinch of salt considering The Hill/Decision Desk HQ aggregate polling finds closer races in Pennsylvania and Michigan than Wisconsin. Where Harris leads Trump by less than a percentage point in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but by 2.9 percentage points in Wisconsin as of Wednesday.

“One caution is that Quinnipiac polls have been Democratic-leaning in recent years,” Political polling guru Nate Silver stated. His views were supported by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who feels the numbers may be over inflating.