Tag: Aleksandar Pandov
Macedonia 13.06.22 | 21:32

Pandov: National humiliation, encroachment on Macedonian identity, bad economy are just some of the reasons why citizens should go out and protest on June 18

The President of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Pandov, said on the “Sto ne e jasno” show that on June 18 Kovacevski will be clearly and loudly told where his place is. Unfortunately, SDSM and DUI are still in power. And that is exactly what costs Macedonia a lot of money....

Macedonia 23.02.22 | 21:12

Pandov: It is normal to demand resignation from the Government when the state cannot service the basic needs of the citizens

In an interview with TV Kanal 5, the President of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Pandov, stressed regarding the crisis and inflation in Macedonia that the Government needs to do something because it is paid to amortize price shocks. Any person who has not been in the country for a...

Macedonia 09.05.21 | 15:09

Pandov: It is unfortunate that 76 years after the victory over fascism on May 9, 1945, Macedonia is again a captured state

Unfortunately, Macedonia has been enslaved many times in its centuries-old history, but fortunately, mother Macedonia gave birth to sons who always liberated her, said Aleksandar Pandov, president of the Patriot Institute of VMRO-DPMNE at an event in Prilep on Victory Day who with a minute of silence...

Macedonia 01.05.21 | 12:04

The president, the opposition and Ahmeti believe that no terrorism was committed on April 27, retrial is demanded

The President of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE Aleksandar Pandov emphasized that several senior officials agree that the events of April 27 are not terrorism and that the defenders of the Constitution deserve to get retrial. The leader of VMRO, Hristijan Mickoski, plus the leaders of all opposition...

Macedonia 22.03.21 | 23:23

Zaev is selling out Macedonian history

Aleksandar Pandov, president of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO DPMNE told Radio Lider that Zoran Zaev with the harmful agreement with Greece erases the history of Macedonia and that now it is even more dangerous that he is making trades with Bulgaria and pushes the strategy of Bulgaria that Macedonians...

Macedonia 22.03.21 | 22:28

Pandov: The defenders of the Constitution were politically convicted in the most brutal way by Zaev

Aleksandar Pandov, president of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE, told Radio Lider that Sunday’s protest was a gathering for the freedom of the defenders of the Constitution and patriots who have been unjustly convicted on terrorism charges by Zaev and SDSM. What happened yesterday was a gathering...

Macedonia 21.03.21 | 17:44

Pandov: We will not accept prisons to be full of patriots, and corrupt criminals to travel to Mexico and Dubai

At Sunday’s protest in front of the Stip prison, the president of VMRO-DPMNE’s Patriotic Institute, Aleksandar Pandov, said that the defenders of the country’s Constitution that are wrongfully imprisoned by the Zaev regime are not forgotten. Not only are they not forgotten, for us present...

Macedonia 19.03.21 | 14:53

Peaceful “Gathering for Freedom” to be held Sunday in front of the Stip prison in support of the defenders of Macedonia’s Constitution

On Sunday, March 21, at 12 o’clock, the patriotic institute of VMRO DPMNE “Goce Delcev” and the Youth Forces Union of VMRO DPMNE are organizing a peaceful “Gathering for Freedom” in front the Stip prison where the defenders of the Constitution of Macedonia are serving their...

Macedonia 11.02.21 | 20:42

While in Serbia 30,000 people get vaccinated daily, here people who want to get the vaccine are counted

While in neighboring Serbia, 20,000-30,000 citizens are getting vaccinated on a daily basis, who, by the way, can choose whether they want to be vaccinated with an American, Russian or Chinese vaccine, here they count the people who want to get the vaccine. Bottom, Aleksandar Pandov comments on Facebook. Yesterday...

Macedonia 06.12.20 | 13:55

The Dalton gang composed of Buckovski, Osmani, Dimitrov and Zaev gave up the adjective Macedonian, will be held accountable for high treason

The Dalton gang composed of Zoran Zaev, Nikola Dimitrov, Bujar Osmani and Vlado Buckovski, these are the people who decide on the Macedonian identity, the Macedonian history, the Macedonian language, Aleksandar Pandov, President of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE, said Sunday in front of the Government...

Macedonia 24.11.20 | 15:46

Deceased patients lie for hours next alive patients, Zaev and Filipce must be held criminally accountable

The con men Zaev and Filipce should be held criminally accountable for all this that is happening to us, and the least they can do is to resign, analyst Aleksandar Pandov reacted after today’s photos from the Bitola hospital, which show two patients receiving infusion therapy next to two deceased...

Macedonia 28.10.20 | 11:25

Pandov announced a counter-protest to Jancev: You can also bring Vice with you, we have a lot to say to you

Aleksandar Pandov, the president of the newly formed Patriotic Institute, told the mayor of Kavadarci and former vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE, Mitko Jancev, that at the announced protest on Monday he will bring party members at the same time and at the same place during the protest in front of the party...

Macedonia 15.09.20 | 20:42

Pandov: We are that Goce race, the mafia in power wants to sell the most sacred thing

I am proud to be Macedonian and that Goce is Macedonian, we are that Goce race, the mafia in power does not value anything and they are determined to sell the most sacred thing, and that is Goce Delcev, said the president of the Patriotic Institute of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Pandov at Tuesday’s...

Macedonia 14.09.20 | 21:46

Pandov: There is no space of 100 days for a new government, because there is no new government

We as a people, and we as a party, as VMRO-DPMNE should do everything to prevent the Bulgarian propaganda. There is no space of 100 days for a new government, because there is no new government. Now we cannot say that there is a new government, this is an old/new government, these are the same people,...

Macedonia 12.09.20 | 12:03

Don’t negotiate on Goce Delcev, because in Macedonia besides mafia there is people, Pandov tells Zaev

The President of VMRO-DPMNE’s newly established Patriotic Institute, Aleksandar Pandov, told Prime Minister Zoran Zaev not to bargain with and negotiate on Goce Delcev. Zaev should not make negotiations on Goce Delcev, because in Macedonia, besides the mafia, there is also people! said Pandov.

Macedonia 08.09.20 | 12:48

VMRO-DPMNE establishes a Patriotic Institute led by Aleksandar Pandov

At last night’s session of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, the decision for Wednesday’s protest has been confirmed, and the presidents of the Municipal Committees of VMRO-DPMNE were appointed, the party informed in a press release. The Committed also made a decision on the establishment...

Macedonia 09.01.20 | 23:31

Pandov: Anyone who participated in these politically-driven processes will be thoroughly and fundamentally shaken

While in Macedonia the people are eagerly awaiting the continuation of the “Racket” trial, in which Boki will explain in detail to the Macedonian public what the role of Vice, Frcko, Baske, Filipce, Radmila and Saso O. in organizing the racketeering and extorting more than 7 million euros...

Macedonia 02.01.20 | 21:16

Pandov: Two pillars of the junta fell, Katica fell first, and Zaev finally falls tomorrow

The two main pillars on which the junta rested fell. Katica fell first, and tomorrow after two and a half years of terror, Zaev also falls. It is still up to the people to take their destiny into their own hands on April 12 and officially annihilate the bandits and racketeers!, Aleksandar Pandov wrote...

Macedonia 03.09.19 | 11:06

Pandov: Will Ruskoska, Kabranov’s cousin, summon the “bards” of 1TV for questioning?

Will Ruskoska, cousin of editor-in-chief Kabranov, summon the “bards” of 1TV for questioning, political analyst Aleksandar Pandov asked on Tuesday. Pandov says that when he thinks of 1TV, after Boki Tredici, the first person that comes across his mind is Saso Ordanoski, the brother of Vanco...

Macedonia 28.08.19 | 11:47

Pandov: If Vilma can’t withstand pressure from politicians mentioned in “Racket”, she should step down

On the same day when Ruskoska claims to the media that besides Zaev in the witness statement, more precisely the witnesses who were victims of Racket, there were no other politicians, again we read that besides Zaev, Sekerinska, Remenski, Dimitrov were also involved in this racketeering, Aleksandar Pandov...
