Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 16.05.22 | 22:49

Borrell sees June 30th as deadline to resolve the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria

European foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that the deadline for Macedonia and Bulgaria to reach some kind of agreement is June 30th, or the end of the French Presidency over the European Union. Borrell said that while Bulgaria is blocking the process, it was discussed in depth by the other EU...

Macedonia 15.05.22 | 12:44

Petkov calls off his visit to Macedonia as the Bulgarian veto policy remains in effect

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said that he will not visit Macedonia, as was expected in late May, there is some kind of an agreement on the position of the Bulgarian minority in Macedonia. There won’t be a visit soon, because we don’t have a document that we can work on, on the basis of the...

Macedonia 14.05.22 | 20:27

Macedonia and Bulgaria call off planned joint meeting of the two governments

Macedonia has called off the planned joint meeting of the Government with Bulgaria, that was supposed to take place on May 22nd. Prime Minister Kovacevski said that conditions are not met for this. Relations took a turn to the worse, in a very sensitive period ahead of the crucial June European Council....

Macedonia 14.05.22 | 17:52

Karakacanov accuses Petkov of preparing a betrayal of Bulgaria

Bulgarian nationalist politician Krasimir Karakachanov is accusing Prime Minister Kiril Petkov of preparing a national betrayal around May 24th, when the two countries honor Ss. Cyril and Methodius. According to Karakacanov, Petkov is preparing to disregard the unanimous declaration of the Bulgarian...

Macedonia 12.05.22 | 21:00

Bulgaria could allow Macedonia to make a small step forward, but even that will require more concessions

Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister Vasil Georgiev said that they are prepared to make one concessions to Macedonia and allow the country to hold an inter-governmental conference with the EU, but not to allow the actual opening of the EU accession talks. Holding the conference is the next step that leads...

Macedonia 09.05.22 | 12:15

Radev: Bulgaria was under strong pressure over Macedonia, but we endured

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said that the country was under strong international pressure to relent in the dispute with Macedonia, but that it endured. I think that I and the interim Government explained our reasons and positions well and they were accepted. We are talking about human rights and...

Macedonia 08.05.22 | 21:22

National strategy for our relations with Bulgaria

Column by VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski, on the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria Over the years of blockade by Bulgaria for the start of EU membership negotiations, we’ve lacked a serious approach from the Macedonian side and a realistic view of the problem. The problem is...

Macedonia 07.05.22 | 20:03

“As soon as we meet the current Bulgarian demand, there will be new ones”

Macedonia is in a seriously subservient position toward Bulgaria because it lacks a national strategy, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski. Bulgarian policy toward Macedonia is clear, they look at us differently from how we look at us, and until our top political brass understands that,...

Macedonia 07.05.22 | 19:20

Bulgarian PM Petkov will visit the US, likely to face pressure about the veto against Macedonia

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov is set to visit the United States next week, along with his ministers for energy, defense and the deputy Foreign Minister. It’s likely that the meeting will include at least some pressure from the US for Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU...

Macedonia 06.05.22 | 16:00

Xhaferi calls on Bulgaria to lift its veto

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi called on the European Union to give Macedonia a date to open its accession talks during the French Presidency, which ends next month. Xhaferi was speaking during a meeting of the Adriatic – Ionian Initiative in Tirana. Even though every country individually has...

Macedonia 06.05.22 | 13:26

Shadow commission of Macedonian and Bulgarian historians will try to improve relations between the two countries

Bulgarian historian Stefan Dechev will initiate the creation of a new committee of historians from Macedonia and Bulgaria, which he sees as a “shadow commission”. It would work separate from the formal joint commission set up by both countries, but will try to focus on reconciliation, while...

Macedonia 06.05.22 | 11:18

Kovacevski tells Bulgaria that Macedonia can’t just open and amend its Constitution

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski issued a rare warning to Bulgaria, saying that Macedonia can’t just open and amend its Constitution whenever someone asks it to do so. Kovacevski is under pressure from Bulgaria to introduce the Bulgarian nation in the preamble, as a condition to even open the...

Macedonia 06.05.22 | 09:44

Professor Minovski calls on the Government to withdraw from the 2017 treaty with Bulgaria

Historian Mihajlo Minovski calls on the Government to withdraw from the Zaev – Borisov treaty with Bulgaria, and from the joint committee of historians. In an interview with Republika, Minovski said that otherwise, Bulgaria will continue to impose its position that all Macedonians are Bulgarians....

Macedonia 04.05.22 | 15:55

Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE will not allow amending the Constitution unless Bulgaria declares that it is the last of their demands

Speaking at an event in Karbinci, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski reiterated the party’s position that they will not support amending the Constitution and adding the Bulgarian nation to the preamble until Sofia vouches that it will stop blocking Macedonia’s EU path after that change...

Macedonia 03.05.22 | 22:13

There are three possible outcomes for the EU council in June and none leads to opening of the accession talks

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that the there are three potential outcomes from the June European Council, but none leads to Macedonia opening its EU accession talks. One option is that Sofia will lift its veto and allow the first inter-governmental conference to take place, but to delay...

Macedonia 03.05.22 | 15:21

New political club aims to restore friendship between Macedonia and Bulgaria

Via a Zoom meeting, Macedonian and Bulgarian politicians, scholars and public figures set up a club meant to improve relations between the two countries – which are badly worsened after the Bulgarian veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. On the Macedonian side, the club will include former...

Macedonia 03.05.22 | 11:27

Bulgaria – Russian Trojan horse in the EU?

Bulgarian journalist Aleksandar Andreev raises the issue of whether Bulgaria is a Trojan Horse of Russia in the European Union. In his remarks to the German – Bulgarian Forum in Berlin, Andreev points to the high level of sympathy for Russia in Bulgaria. We have deeply entrenched historic, cultural...

Macedonia 03.05.22 | 10:43

Buckovski: Bulgarian society is still not prepared to support the lifting of the blockade

A group of former politicians and activists from Macedonia will join with Bulgarian scholars to form a club that is meant to improve relations between the two countries – badly damaged by the Bulgarian veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. On the Macedonian side, the group includes two...

Macedonia 03.05.22 | 09:59

Bulgarian MEP says that it was France and Netherlands that blocked Macedonia

Bulgarian politician Ilhan Kyuchyuk said that it was France and the Netherlands, not Bulgaria, who blocked Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. According to the liberal member of the European Parliament, these two countries did not approve the first inter-governmental conference. I represent the...

Macedonia 30.04.22 | 09:44

VMRO-DPMNE will not allow changing the Constitution because of Bulgaria without written guarantees

VMRO-DPMNE will never accept and allow the Macedonian Constitution to be opened within the negotiations with Bulgaria in order to change the preamble, without prior written guarantees for our history, for our Macedonian language, without artificial footnotes, for our uniqueness and cultural diversity,...
