The spokesperson of the European Union, Peter Stano, said today that Belgrade and Pristina are obliged to implement the Ohrid Agreement.

– The contract is legally binding and both parties are obliged to implement it. The agreement states that it becomes part of their path to accession to the EU, Stano pointed out.

Earlier, the special representative Miroslav Lajcak stated that the Government of Serbia withdrew the letter about the “red lines” when it comes to the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement. Last year, former Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent a letter to the EU in which she stated that Serbia does not accept the agreement.

Stano emphasized that the Serbian authorities can comment on this and reiterated that the Ohrid Agreement is final and binding according to international law for both parties.

– If they don’t do that, they won’t be able to continue their European path, Stano pointed out