Three staff members were fatally shot at a grammar school in the small northern Bosnian town of Sanski Most, police reported on Wednesday.

The suspected shooter, who later attempted to take his own life, was transported to the hospital with serious injuries, according to police in the Una-Sana region, where Sanski Most is located.

Bosnian news outlet identified the victims as the headteacher, the school secretary, and an English teacher.

The alleged perpetrator is believed to be the school caretaker. Although the motives behind the attack remain unclear, Bosnian media have suggested there may have been conflicts between the caretaker and the school administration.

The incident occurred during the school holidays in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so no classes were in session at the time. However, a number of teachers were present at the school and were deeply shaken by the tragic event, as reported by, a website based in the regional capital of Bihać.