Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska emphasized the necessity of foreign assistance in restoring the stained glass windows of the Krushevo Makedonium, commonly known as the Ilinden monument. During her visit to Krushevo, she stressed the intricacy of this restoration process and anticipated the completion of comprehensive documentation by January.

Kostadinovska-Stojchevska highlighted the uniqueness of the task, explaining that despite inviting experts from Poland to outline an initial design, their response fell short of confirming their commitment to the reconstruction or full restoration of the monument. She acknowledged the Ministry’s ongoing investments in the upkeep and maintenance of the site but stressed the need for more substantial funding, particularly towards its complete restoration.

The Ministry plans to finalize a project initiated by the Institute and Museum in Prilep by the first half of January. This step aims to pave the way for seeking foreign aid and securing adequate funds from the 2024 Budget to undertake the comprehensive restoration of the Makedonium. Kostadinovska-Stojchevska stressed the importance of determining the required documentation, whether a basic outline or a comprehensive conceptual project, to proceed effectively.

Regarding the significance of preserving cultural heritage, she underscored the international stature of the Makedonium as one of the top ten unique structures within the realm of cultural monuments. Emphasizing the need for a meticulous and quality-focused approach, Kostadinovska-Stojchevska expressed the reliance on both local expertise and foreign support to ensure the restoration’s excellence.

Her ultimate aim is to conclude the documentation phase and secure continuous, permanent restoration efforts for the Krushevo Makedonium, emphasizing the necessity of high-quality workmanship in every aspect of the restoration process.