Investments for a better standard of living – 450 million euros for complete energy independence of Macedonia
The project for the development of a wind park in the country, an investment of Alcazar Energy worth over 500 million dollars, will be officially presented today in Skopje. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced on his Facebook profile:

From Macedonian wind, investment in energy for more money in the Macedonian budget.
I promised work for the people, and we are making it happen.
Today the announcement of an investment by Alcazar Energy, of about 450 million euros for complete energy independence of Macedonia.
📌 electricity for 100,000 Macedonian households from these windmills.
📌 55 wind turbines that will produce one terawatt hour of electricity or one million megawatt hours
📌 approximately 20 percent of the entire production of electricity in the country.
📌 630 new jobs.
📌 the biggest investment in the wind farm segment.
Investments for a better standard of living
For you!