The Ministry of Internal Affairs is currently investigating several cases related to crime and corruption. The Ministry stated that they will provide updates to the public once these cases reach an advanced stage. This follows Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski’s recent claim that there was an attempt to bribe him regarding Corridor 8, with the intent that, as Prime Minister, he would accept the tender documentation for the railway to Bulgaria.

The Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption has reported that no bribery complaint has been received so far, while the Public Prosecutor’s Office indicated that they have no information on where such a complaint might have been filed.

Today, Prime Minister Mickoski revealed that he was offered a bribe to accept the tender documentation for Corridor 8, which is set to expire on September 17. Mickoski did not identify the individuals behind the attempted bribe, only mentioning that “it is known how it goes, through communication channels.” He informed his EU counterparts about the situation during a recent meeting, and they reportedly received his explanation with understanding. Mickoski also noted that discussions with the Bulgarian side would occur at a high level in Brussels, facilitated by the European Commission. He assured that all relevant institutions have been notified of the attempted bribery.

“I want to state clearly to the Macedonian public that there was an attempt to bribe me regarding Corridor 8, Section 3, for the railway project. The bribe was intended to persuade me, as Prime Minister, to sign off on this tender documentation before the September 17 deadline. I have made it clear that I will not accept this tender while I am in office. The days of such communication with the Prime Minister are over; it may have been the case before, but it is not now. All necessary institutions have been informed. Naturally, this type of communication does not always come with documentation but through channels. I am experienced enough to understand the motives of the interlocutor,” Mickoski emphasized.

In response to questions from journalists, Mickoski reiterated that the government prioritizes all corridors passing through the country. He stressed that both Corridor 8 and Corridor 10 will receive equal attention and dedication, as both are crucial for the nation’s development.