Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski stated at a press conference today that the public call for municipalities to submit infrastructure project proposals is now open.

He mentioned that 250 million euros have been allocated for this purpose, and municipalities, including those within the City of Skopje, are eligible to apply.

“I am calling on as many municipalities as possible, regardless of the political affiliation of their mayors, to participate in this call. We are a government for all citizens, and our goal is to improve the lives of all,” Mickoski said.

Mickoski pointed out that, in the past, similar projects were implemented in the City of Skopje, but not on this scale across all municipalities, as envisioned with the 250 million euros.

“By the end of the year, 6 billion denars will be allocated through this call, marking the first phase of a total of 15 billion denars dedicated to capital projects. I will closely monitor the implementation of these projects, ensuring full transparency for citizens to follow the process,” added Mickoski.