From today to Sunday, as announced by the HMRC, the country will be under the influence of a stable and very warm air mass from the south, which will cause sunny and above-average hot weather for this period of the year. Daytime temperatures will be over 30 degrees everywhere, and in some places they will reach 40 degrees.

-According to the forecasted and calculated limit values ​​of extreme temperatures from the HMRC, on the territory of our country tomorrow it will be active yellow, and in the Skopje and Pologka valleys an orange level for the danger of high temperatures. Due to the further increase in temperatures from Thursday everywhere, the orange level will be active, adds the announcement from the HMRC. After the announcements about the heat wave that is expected to affect the country, the Government, at the request of the Ministry of Health, adopted recommendations that provide for the release from work obligations of the most vulnerable groups of the population, i.e. pregnant women and people over 60 years of age, and in child care facilities (kindergartens) not to practice physical activity and not to take children outdoors in the period from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: 00 o’clock.

Also, the Government recommends that local government units, the Red Cross and the Centers for Social Affairs, in the regions affected by the heat wave, provide assistance to lonely, old, frail, homeless people. Avoid exposure to the sun or to temperatures higher than 38°C , as it increases the risk of burns and heat-related illnesses. While you’re taking care of yourself, plan to check in on family, friends, and neighbors who spend most of their time alone. Vulnerable people may need help on hot days, and if someone you know is at risk, help them get advice and support while respecting physical distancing recommendations. People using regular therapy should consult with family doctors and pharmacists about possible effects of therapeutics on the ability to regulate body temperature, the recommendations say.

Due to the high temperatures and the increased possibility of food poisoning and intestinal infectious diseases, it is recommended to wash the agricultural and horticultural products (fresh vegetables and fruits) before their use, thermally prepare the food and consume it in a very short time after preparation. and if this is not done, the food prepared in this way should be placed in the refrigerator at + 4 degrees Celsius and before use it should be heated to + 100 degrees. It is recommended to avoid products that have not been heat treated.