With 71 votes in favor and one against, the deputies passed the Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Care today, which abolishes the role of economic directors. At the same session, the Law on declaring Lake Ohrid and Matka Canyon as natural monuments was also adopted.

MP Petar Markov from VMRO-DPMNE emphasized that the amendments to the Health Care Law aim to reduce unproductive costs and establish principles that transcend narrow party interests, ultimately improving the country’s ailing healthcare system.

According to him, under the new law, institutions will be managed by a single director responsible for both the institution’s operations and legal compliance.

“This law consolidates responsibility and eliminates dualism in decision-making, ensuring the survival of the healthcare system. However, beyond this law, difficult and painful reforms are necessary to improve patient care conditions. Forty management positions, costing more than two million euros in direct and indirect costs, are being eliminated. These funds can be redirected to meet the needs of patients and healthcare workers,” Markov said.

He added that even SDSM recognized the issue of appointing dual directors, stating in their election program that they would abolish economic directors.

Markov noted that the root of the problem lay in the DUI’s governance with SDSM. He asserted that VMRO-DPMNE’s position is firm: there is no room for compromise at the expense of patient benefits. Significant changes are needed in the health sector, and it’s time to build a healthcare system that truly addresses citizens’ needs.

During the session, MP Ilire Dauti from the Alliance for Albanians argued that the law’s aim is to reduce the number of Albanians in management, pointing out that the number of ministers in the new VMRO-DPMNE Government increased from 16 to 23.

“Would this law have been changed if the directors were not primarily Albanians? In the new government, the number of ministers increased from 16 to 23. You’ve expanded ministerial positions for yourselves while reducing them where Albanians predominate,” Dauti said.

MP Amar Mecinović from Levica stated that they fully support the adoption of this law.

“We absolutely support the adoption of this law. It’s a small step in addressing the multitude of issues within the healthcare system, particularly in public healthcare, which has been severely devalued,” Mecinović said.

Several other laws were adopted during today’s session. The MPs approved amendments to the Law on Financing Local Self-Government Units and the Law on Urban Planning, following a shortened procedure.

Additionally, amendments to the Law on Road Transport, the Law on Games and Hunting, and the Law on Sports were also adopted following a shortened procedure.

The Assembly also approved the final bill for the 2023 Budget of the Republic of Macedonia.

The MPs passed draft laws to declare Matka Canyon a natural monument, Studenčiško Blato a nature park, and Lake Ohrid a natural monument. The Assembly also considered the Authentic Interpretation of the Law on Games of Chance and adopted the Draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on the Implementation of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2024, along with several ratifications.