The Governmenttoday appointed a number of new officials, and proposed a law to abolish the dual position of “economic manager” of the clinics in the main clinical center in Skopje.

Former NGO activist Saso Klekovski was named director of the FZO public healthcare insurance fund. Zdravko Trajanov is nominated as manager of the Macedonian Forests company, and Oliver Milanov as head of the Food and Veterinary Agency.
Goce Dimovski, expert on foreign investments and manager of numerous development projects, will be the next head of the TIRZ agency for foreign direct investments. Its director Jovan Despotovski resigned today after his unsuccessful attempt to be elected SDSM party leader. Aleksandar Pandov is named acting director of the Bureau for Sanctions, which oversees the work of state prisons.

The decision regarding the economic managers in the clinical center will remove a much criticized element of dual management of the clinics, which was often used to placate SDSM’s Albanian coalition partner DUI, and led to numerous reports of corruption and mismanagement. The Government is working towards appoint one general manager of the sprawling clinical center, instead of the current divided management.