VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Antonio Milososki publicly revealed details from the latest audit report in the REK Bitola coal plant, showing that three companies were used to drain money through dubious public contracts.

The audit shows that contracts in REK Bitola were secretive, without clearly defined criteria, with unequal treatment of the bidders and were profilgate. RUD Kop, Markovski and Diger, three companies from Bitola, were the favorites to win these contracts, informs Milososki.

In one instance, in 2022, in a coal digging contract, Granit had the best offer of 2,040 denars per cubic meter, but the contract went to RUD Kop, which offered 2,595 denars, and later concluded an annex to the 11 million EUR contract for additional 2 million EUR.
In other instances, there were contracts were companies were clearly asked to pretend to offer competing bids, while Markovski was the intended recipient. The audit also found that offers from the Rubiton company were dismissed without basis, just to make sure that Diger gets a contract worth several millions, and loans its digging equipment to REK Bitola.