Political commentator and polling expert Vladimir Bozinovski believes that there is no chance to peel off members of Parliament from VMRO-DPMNE and get them to support the Bulgarian amendments to the Constitution.

It should never have come to this. We all kept warning about this, it was clear even to Kovacevski that the entire people is against this request. You can’t just accept something and then expect someone else to vote for it, Bozinovski said.

In 2018, nine members of Parliament elected on the VMRO list were forced to vote for the imposed name change – some with direct criminal charges leveled against them or against family members, other with hefty bribes. According to Bozinovski, there is no possibility for this to happen. He leaves little room for the party as a whole to accept the amendments – VMRO made a series of proposals to Kovacevski, but his only response was to use them for propaganda purposes.

The most likely option is that we hold early elections. This is most certain, since the Government lost all legitimacy to make major decisions, Bozinovski said in a Sitel TV interview.