The Administrative Court rejected all 75 charges submitted by the Alliance of Albanians and Alternative. The two ethnic Albanian parties claim that its rivals for the Albanian vote, primarily DUI, used intimidation and ballot stuffing to win 15 seats as opposed to AA’s 12.

Before the decision was in, AA deputy leader Arben Taravari said that he suspects the several pro-DUI judges on the court will reject the charges. AA leader Ziadin Sela posted a call for a mass rally on Monday, when party supporters will march to the State Electoral Commission and the EU Embassy in Skopje in protest over the conduct of the elections.

When there is no justice in the institutions, it is sought in the streets. The votes were stolen as they always are. The thieves are the same. But the people has changed, and they will put an end to the electoral mafia, Sela said.

The party claims that DUI stuffed ballots, mainly in its stronghold of Zajas near Kicevo, where much of the villages have emptied out due to emigration. AA offered to give all its seats in Parliament to DUI if DUI can point to a single village that actually has the number of residents who voted on Wednesday.