University professor Ljubomir Cuculovski, spoke Monday on the “Sto ne e jasno” show on TV Alfa about the curfew proposed by Minister Filipce, as well as other bad government policies.

Cuculovski emphasized that the health situation in the Republic of Macedonia is alarming and it is a fact that measures must be adopted that will bear fruit, ie curb the infection numbers, but also stressed that Filipce’s proposed curfew was totally pointless and unproductive.

He says that for some time now the citizens have been witnessing rising number of infections and deaths, which is a sufficient indicator of how serious the situation is and how much the institutions should invest themselves in the fight against the pandemic. 

It is strange how deftly they have manipulated the pandemic numbers, depending on the needs of certain political structures. It is a fact that there is a pandemic and sometimes it progresses, sometimes it stagnates, but it still does not stop completely.

But draconian measures cannot be adopted when certain processes or holidays follow. On top of that, the government undoubtedly wants to go ahead with the census, which directly affects the health of the citizens, which is contrary and contradictory to what Filipce is saying, added Cuculovski.