Education inspector Georgi Ilievski, who was demoted after revealing abuse perpetrated by the Education Minister Arbr Ademi, met with the French and Dutch Embassies in Skopje and also informed the European Union mission in Macedonia about the attempts to pressure and silence him.

Ilievski revealed that Minister Ademi had himself and Deputy Interior Minister Agim Nuhiu promoted into higher positions as lecturers at the state run Tetovo University, despite not meeting the legal criteria for the move. The two powerful DUI party officials in response dragged Ilievski before a disciplinary commission in the Education Inspection service of the Education Ministry, which demoted him for going public with his revelations.

This is a scandalous decision that was made by the commission. It was politically driven and I expect the Anti-Corruption Commission to discuss the case, as should the state prosecutors. Sadly, I fear we are losing the fight in the institutions. European Commissioner Johannes Hahs asked that we do reforms, fight corruption, but everything goes on as before, Ilievski said.