Faced with threats from the Government that it will begin pressuring opposition members of Parliament and forcing them to vote for the amendments Bulgaria wants adopted in the Macedonian Constitution, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that this time the members of Parliament will hold firm. Regarding the announcements that international officials will come to Macedonia, as they did in 2018, to urge the country to adopt the amendments despite clear public anger with the request, Mickoski said that they are welcome to come and see the concessions Macedonia already has made.

No other country gave away its identity, language and name as this country did. They tell us that the integration is the most important issue. I agree that it is important, but come to Macedonia to see how half a million people live in poverty, and 30,000 live in extreme poverty, with inflation rates seen nowhere in Europe, while the country is stuck in Europe’s waiting room. This is the reality of our life, Mickoski said.