While he himself is a little known former telecom executive, new SDSM party leader Dimitar Kovacevski is tapping even less known party officials as the next Vice Presidents of the party. Of the four Vice Presidents appointed by Zaev just 10 months ago, only Fatmir Bytiqi is expected to remain in this post, with Mila Carovska, Venko Filipce and Oliver Spasovski on their way out.

TV24 reports that Kovacevski plans to appoint the Mayor of Valandovo Pero Kostadinov, member of Parliament Bisera Kostadinovska – Stojcevska and banker Nina Fiti to replace the three Vice Presidents. Kostadinovska is best known in the public for the stunt she pulled in April when, with another member of Parliament, she came to a vote while Covid positive, during one of the highest peaks of the pandemic. Kovacevska, an English language teacher from Bitola, came in a hazmat suit to vote for a controversial economic package.

Nina Fiti is best known as the daughter of former Finance Minister Taki Fiti, who is blamed for some of the worst decisions in the disastrous transition of the Macedonian economy from the Communist planning system to the free market in the 1990ies.
So far, Kovacevski only confirmed the appointment of former spy chief Mile Zecevic as Secretary General of the party. It’s not clear whether he will keep tax authority chief Sanja Lukarevska as Deputy Leader of the party – a powerful position she took over in March from the retiring Radmila Sekerinska.

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