The significant advantage of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE over SDSM persists, particularly in the third and fourth electoral units and during the month of April. As per the IPIS survey featured on the MRT Objective program, VMRO-DPMNE holds nearly double the trust of respondents compared to the ruling SDSM in the third electoral unit, with 34.2% support for the opposition party and 17.8% for the Social Democratic Union.

Following closely are the Left with 4.7% and the ZNAM movement with 4.5% support from respondents.

In the fourth constituency for April, VMRO-DPMNE maintains a 32% rating, with SDSM trailing at 19.9%. Additionally, the Left holds 4.1% and the ZNAM movement has 3.7%, both potentially influencing the eventual composition of MPs from this electoral unit.